Viva La Vida

Viva La Vida: Stories of Life, Love, and Growth was written by the 2019-2020 students of Andy Molnar's English Class at the Academic Leadership Community and printed in May 2021


The year we hoped for,

Instead, we got
more natural disasters
more political corruption more systemic injustices
and the COVID-19 pandemic.

In the midst of the chaos we
the students of ALC
braved the challenges.

We moved forward still
with resolve to fill
empty pages with voices.

Indeed, we got
stories of growth
stories of love
stories of triumph
and life in a pandemic

here in these pages:

what was stolen,
we take back.

2020 Student Editorial Board
Jeffrey J.P., Peter L., Karina M., Albert P., Dimson R., Brianna R.

Read the student publication below:


Future History of Los Angeles


Memory Lane