Doors To Our Future
Written by the 3rd Grade Students of 74th Street Elementary
This book is a sneak peek into the imaginative and hopeful future that awaits us.
When the third grade students at 74th Street Elementary School were asked to envision and describe a special portal that took them to their unique future, they went above and beyond. They responded with uninhibited descriptions, sensory details aplenty, and narratives that take us right alongside the journey with them. From flying cars to friendly crocodiles to candy-coated planets, the future is looking bright.
To bring this book to life, 826LA partnered with the students and educators of 74th Street Elementary School over the course of two and a half weeks to facilitate a handful of in-classroom sessions with each third grade class. In these sessions (upon the official request of our quirky time-traveling publishing boss, Professor Barnacle) students carefully brainstormed, drafted, and revised their pieces, adding titles, author’s bios, and their ideas for the book’s design.
As you read, you will see that each chapter begins with a story each class wrote altogether. Following that are the students’ individual continuations of the story, describing their unique doors to their unique futures.
Now read on, and enjoy your trip to the future!
Maddie Silva, Manager of Special Initiatives