
Volunteer Voices: Ravi Bhatia


I began volunteering with 826LA in September 2013 after leaving my full-time job. Back then, I knew I wanted to be involved in college preparation in some way — I already tutored students part-time — but I wasn’t sure how I’d fit, what schools and students actually needed, or what gaps needed to be filled.

There are limited options for people who just want a taste of what a profession is like. Teach for America, for instance, requires a commitment of two years. With 826LA’s In-School programs, I enjoy all the rewarding aspects of teaching while avoiding some of the more tedious tasks. As a volunteer, I’m not obligated to work on projects I’m not interested in, and I’m able to focus on working with students who specifically need help on their college essays, or Catcher in the Rye papers, or figuring out the intricacies of a counterargument.

I’m amazed by the relationships 826LA has established with teachers and administrators, and the access granted to volunteers in order to help students improve. 826LA volunteers aren’t cleaning whiteboards. We interact and work directly with students. The experience has been invaluable in helping me figure out what’s next.

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