
74th Street Elementary School Book Project- Traveling field trips help 826LA widen its reach

For the past two weeks, 826LA has partnered with 74th Street Elementary School on our first-ever elementary school book project! With the help of staff, UCLA College Corps Fellows, and volunteers, we worked with three 3rd-grade classes on outlining, drafting, and revising a descriptive piece about the door to their future. 

On Professor Barnacle’s request, the students practiced their descriptive writing skills using sensory details to describe a portal that leads them to their future, and then what their world is like on the other side. 

First, we wrote the beginning of the story altogether and then students wrote individual pieces about their unique futures. We plan to publish the finished book by the end of the school year!

74th Street Book Project is the first of its kind! This project, alongside our Traveling field trips program, was part of the goal to reach more students by facilitating programs in the classroom. Taking our field trips on the road has allowed 826LA to expand its reach and bring our rich and engaging programs to schools across LA County! 826LA’s goal is to double the number of students we serve, and we are one step closer to supporting over 6,000 students and their teachers!


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