
Student Writing: Gabriela’s “Enjoy”

I would enjoy to educate to teach about our history. To acknowledge those who worked hard and the ones who started wars. I would enjoy to travel, to visit other places that are unknown to me, and to learn their ways and such. I could be across the street or a thousand miles far.

I would enjoy to read. There’s no other way to put it. I could read a newspaper or an ancient story rarely told. I would read a whole library or read a manual.

I would enjoy to change the world. Yes that’s right. You heard correctly. I can educate, teach about the wrongs of this world. To travel far and wide and spread the word. To read a speech loud and clear. I would enjoy to do all of this, and more.

This essay was written as part of 826LA’s Words, Spoken workshop in Echo Park, and is published in the chapbook, I Had the Idea, You Wrote the Lyrics, We Made a Song.

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