
#IWantToHelp: Improve Myself and My Community, It’s a No-Brainer

This August, leading up to August 26 (aka 8/26 Day and National Youth Literacy Day), we’ll be introducing you to just a few of our most committed and outstanding volunteers. Our volunteer, Danielle Katherine Perez, shares her experiences and stories below. We hope they inspire you to stand up and say: I Want to Help!

DanielleWhich 826LA program are you involved with?
After-school tutoring (AST), Evening tutoring (TNT), Field trips, Barnacle’s Bookworms workshops and general workshops

What brought you to 826LA and how long have you been volunteering here?
When I transferred into UCLA last Fall, I was eager to get involved in my LA community as soon as humanly possible. I found out about a Service Learning Course that provided a connection with a local non-profit organization; I was stoked! I have been volunteering at 826LA ever since. This Fall, I’ll be coming up on my one year anniversary. I look forward to many more!

Tell us about one student you’ve met at 826LA.
I’ve met a LOT of memorable students through 826LA, so it’s extremely tough to choose just one. I’ve worked with Chris from Barnacle Bookworms and Saturday workshops a long time. When I first met him, I remember he didn’t seem all that interested in participating with the activities — he had a bit of a “don’t care about school work” attitude. I immediately recognized that same attitude from a younger me, and it sparked an idea!

The character Milo from The Phantom Tollbooth by Norton Juster was a huge inspiration to me when I was a professional slacker-student in my younger years. Milo learns to overcome his apathy by finding the adventure in expanding your mind. Through reading, Chris was able to connect deeply with a character who shared some of the same feelings and overcome the same difficulties! It was amazing watching Chris gobble up the text, to see him really engage for the first time.

What’s the best part of volunteering at 826LA?
Volunteering at 826LA sticks me right in the middle of a dream community. It’s a place where creativity is unanimously encouraged, where adults and children alike share an enthusiasm for knowledge, and where goodwill abounds. It’s one of those spots you can walk into the first day and already feel at home.

Describe what a day of volunteering at 826LA looks/feels like.
You walk in through the double doors and you’re instantly transported into the Time Travel Mart. A friendly face is always behind the store counter; kids are usually curiously investigating the shop. Then you go through the super secret backdoor into what looks like a magically quirky book workshop land. Massive bookshelves, wooden desks, clocks and colors of all kinds. It’s a cool place. You meet the staff. They’ll exuberantly coach you on all things volunteering and confidently release you to the students. The kids are always stoked to greet new meat. They’ll gather around, inquiring about your name and favorite color. It’s easy from here on out. Students at 826LA are there because they like to learn — all you have to do is teach!

iwanttohelp_v2Finish this sentence: I want to help because . . .
I can’t help but help. There’s a nonstop desire in me to DO and to IMPROVE. When I’m at 826LA, I’m DOING great work with great people. I’m IMPROVING myself and my community. It’s a no-brainer for me. I, well, love helping. The end.


Help us get to 150 RSVPs for Volunteering 101s before 8/26 Day! Click here to sign up for a Volunteering 101 orientation (and after you’re done, send the link to a friend!). You’ll soon be on your way to giving our students a strong start to the new school year. For any questions or concerns please email us at our volunteer helpline:

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